Cold Calling: From Reluctant to Confident

Cold calling is a game of odds. There’s a 4% chance that someone picks up the phone when you cold call them (ConnectAndSell).

And there’s a 1.48% chance of a positive outcome from a cold call (Gong).

I don’t know about you, but I don’t like those odds. So how do you increase the odds and stack them in your favor? That’s exactly what I’m here to help you out with.

You have to choose conversations over meetings. Structure over scripts.
And priorities over pitches.

What to expect from this free training:

  • How to nail your first impression and get past the first 15-30 seconds of the call
  • How to deal with call reluctance and fear of calling the C-Suite
  • A simple, easy-to-follow process from the intro of the call to closing for the meeting
  • Why you should talk about your prospect’s priorities instead of pitching your product/service
  • How to handle common objections like “not interested” or “not right now”

You’ll learn everything you need to land meetings from your cold calls in 2022.

Download the worksheets below + a talk track template to help you get started.

Download Recording & Worksheets